Boca Raton Police Foundation
Get Involved
Boca Raton Police Foundation
Get Involved
Volunteers are an extension of our organization and contribute in many ways. We have needs for volunteer assistance in event organization, social media, photography and administrative tasks. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. A background check may be required for certain tasks and opportunities.
Please submit the form here and include in your message your area of interest and request for an application.
Administrative Assistance
Various administrative duties such as organizing materials and assembling mailings, data entry.
Event Assistance
Such as auction item pick up, guest check-in/check-out, auction oversight, event setup and breakdown.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser
Dedicate your time and passion to helping us gain more visibility and bring in revenue. We can help!
Development Intern
Please submit the form here and include in your message a request for a position description. (unpaid volunteer position).
Join the True Blue Society
True Blue Society is a vibrant ambassador’s group focused on furthering the Boca Raton Police Foundation’s (BRPF) mission by engaging others in support. Members have the opportunity to promote their business and share social interests.
Join the True Blue Society
True Blue Society is a vibrant ambassador’s group focused on furthering the Boca Raton Police Foundation’s (BRPF) mission by engaging others in support. Members have the opportunity to promote their business and share social interests.
True Blue Society is a vibrant ambassador’s group focused on furthering the Boca Raton Police Foundation’s (BRPF) mission by engaging others in support.
Members have the opportunity to promote their business and share social interests.
Personal & Professional
- Learn first hand about public safety issues affecting our community
- Participate or host True Blue Society networking and social events
- Gain exclusive access to BRPF projects and initiatives
- Collaborate to generate awareness for BRPF events
- Serve on a BRPF Committee
- Host an event or a peer to peer fundraising campaign to support BRF fundraising efforts.
- 3-4 True Blue Society networking events each year with BRPF leadership
- Special pricing for BRPF Signature events including the Call for Backup & Breakfast with the Chief
- Spotlight opportunity to become a featured member and highlight your business on our social media, website, and enewsletters
- Online community/chat through private Facebook group
- Behind the scenes tour of training center
- Subscription to text-alert reminders
- Subscription to select email communications
- Two (2) Boca Raton Police Foundation decals
This annual membership amount is in recognition of the 325 sworn police officers and civilian employees of the Boca Raton Police Services Department.
Become a Corporate Partner
A safer Boca Raton is simply good business! BRPF’s Corporate Partner Program establishes your business as a leader in public safety and promotes corporate responsibility to your employees, consumers and stakeholders.
Opportunities include event sponsorship, fund specific initiatives, employee giving programs and third party events such as golf tournaments, races, etc.
Interested in learning more about the benefits of a partnership? Contact Debbie Levine, CFRE Executive Director.

BRPF is registered with the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services #CH39274.
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