Letter from the Chief


It is my pleasure to offer this letter of support for the Boca Raton Police Foundation. This very important organization was created to assist the Boca Raton Police Services Department by providing resources above and beyond what we receive from the general public. More specifically, the Foundation helps the Department acquire the training, technology and equipment it needs to remain a highly progressive law enforcement agency.

The Boca Raton Police Foundation is more than just a funding source. The board of trustees works closely with my office to explore emerging trends and to identify effective public safety strategies. The Foundation strengthens partnerships between the Department and other programs, such as the Police Athletic League and the Police Explorers as well as the community. The Foundation also encourages excellence in policing by recognizing outstanding achievement. For many years, the Boca Raton Police Services Department has been nationally recognized as a leader in law enforcement. The City of Boca Raton community and its government have made a significant investment in maintaining this commitment to policing excellence. The Boca Raton Police Foundation is a key partner in our quest to take policing to the next level in Boca Raton.  I encourage you to fully explore the Foundation through their web site, and consider how you might support this worthy cause.

Thank you.

Chief Michele Miuccio  |  Boca Raton Police Department

BRPF is registered with the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services #CH39274. 


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