

We dedicate our efforts to assure a modern police force, equipped to tackle today’s challenges as well as tomorrow’s concerns. We raise funds to provide state-of-the art equipment and cutting-edge technology that improves the BRPD’s effectiveness and efficiency in crime prevention while also keeping up with evolving crime trends.

Continuous training and education is is vital for the growth and effectiveness of the department and its staff. We play a critical role in specialized training and wellness education activities, providing BRPD officers and civilian staff with the most modern methodologies and cutting-edge tactics for policing and protecting their mental health and well-being. 

community Outreach

We are proud to support projects, activities, events and programs that strengthen cooperative relationships between the BRPD and the community it serves in order to foster partnerships that enhance communication, trust, and public safety.

We want our officers to be recognized for their hard work and commitment to our community and feel appreciated. Therefore, BRPF also supports department activities, ceremonies and events that show support and promote camaraderie.

retired K-9 Support

We are grateful for the invaluable service of K-9s to the BRPD and our community and want to ensure the K-9s have health and comfort in their retirement.  We recognize the burden borne by officers who choose to care for retired K-9s and provide financial assistance accordingly.