True Blue Society’s Thirsty Thursday

True Blue Society’s Thirsty Thursday

The Boca Raton Police Foundation’s True Blue Society will gather at Boca Raton’s favorite uncle’s place for a social mixer designed to help make Boca safer. The True Blue Society’s Thirsty Thursday mixer on March 27 at Crazy Uncle Mike’s...
Bagels, Badges and the BRPF

Bagels, Badges and the BRPF

If the Boca Raton Police Department is holding an event, the Boca Raton Police Foundation wants to be there to offer support. That’s what happened on Wednesday morning, March 12, when Boca police officers held their Bagels and Badges public outreach at the Boca...
Now We’re Cooking: Chili For The Chamber

Now We’re Cooking: Chili For The Chamber

Despite the sun shining brightly, there was definitely a chill in the air on March 8 at the Boca Raton YMCA. Actually, it was more the smell of chili in the air as the Boca Raton Police Foundation sizzled, stirred and added a few dashes to the pot while competing in...
Boca Raton Police Foundation Starts 2025 Strong

Boca Raton Police Foundation Starts 2025 Strong

With a mission of ensuring a safer and more secure community, the Boca Raton Police Foundation raises money to help the police department with training, equipment and other needs. At its recent board meeting, the Foundation elected four officers, including Alan Rose...